I. Eldercare challenges reduce overall productivity and impacts profits. Mr. McDaniel’s presentation was valuable because he presented both information and solutions.
a. J. Martin, Managing Director, MCCGUSA
II. Derrick provides very useful and clear advice about eldercare and does so with a twist. He delivers it with a touch of humor that brings smiles to family caregivers that they so much appreciate.
a. Jim Siegel, Executive VP, national non-profit organization
III. The “11 Best Ways To Pay for Eldercare” webinar series covered both private and public payment options and multiple techniques. Invaluable information.
a. Lewis Spann, Civil Engineer & Real Estate Construction Project Management
IV. Derrick’s presentation was practical, understandable and unexpectedly funny. He speaks directly to the stress and sometimes overwhelming number of issues caregivers face as their loved ones age.
a. Terrie Williams, Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur, Inspirational Speaker